Monday, January 17, 2011

The Middle of Time

The Kentucky Guild of Artist and Craftsman is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. My drawing "The Middle of Time" has been selected to be included in the exhibit. The exhibit will be from March 5 to August 20, 2011 at the Artisan Center in Berea.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


A single call of a scavenger
awakens my darkness.
Forcing me, again
to feel the rough path
and hear the morning sky
as it rushes through the fingers of the earth.
The crow seems to scorn me
for loosing my purpose.
Forgetting, why
I needed a breath of honesty
and a touch of certainty,
why the delicate tissues of my being
were screaming for freedom.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Journey

The Journey
The pine, orphaned
with its broken arms
and withered seeds
becomes the magnificent.
A dark skeleton, against
the dying heaven--
a death that burns
with the passion of simmering coals.
My breath becomes a breath, shared
with the eternity of colors
and a prayer
that wish a moment
could last forever.